Sunday, May 16, 2010

Can One Climate Change [Hoax] Presentation Inspire an Entire High School? : Planet Green
Bridget Jankovsky, who leads the Colorado chapter of the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE), gave presentations to hundreds of kids throughout the day on the basics of climate change: the role of greenhouse gases, what human behaviors play the greatest role in increasing them—including meat consumption—the sensitivity of the earth to a difference in temperature of just one or two degrees, and how Americans in particular are used to "living large," using more resources per capita than any other country in the world. You've heard this statistic before, but the kids hadn't: If everyone on Earth consumed as much as we do in the U.S., it would take five planets to support all of us.
CBS Highlights Meteorologists Who Doubt Human Activity Causing Global Warming |
Below is a complete transcript of the report from the Saturday, May 15, CBS Evening News
Kerry, Lieberman Ready to End Senate Careers | MND: Your Daily Dose of Counter-Theory
It’s official. Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman have signaled the end of their political careers. The two have introduced what they’ve titled the “American Power Act.” Yep, it’s a global warming bill – Cap-n-Trade, Cap-n-Tax, etc. The premise for this bill is that the industrial emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) are causing global temperatures to rise and to prevent global catastrophe the industrialized world must reduce its emissions of CO2.

A pork and power bill based on global warming propaganda has been a priority for the Obama administration. Given that it has already been established, absolutely, that predictions of catastrophic man-made global warming are a scam, you might question the two senators’ sanity for introducing one.

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