Sunday, May 09, 2010

Icelandic Volcano: A Precursor of Global Cooling?
The stage could soon be set for a confluence of cold-inducing forces. A La Niña with its chilling waters, combined with the effects of a weaker sun, combined with a volcanic eruption in Iceland. If all, or just two, of these work together, the earth could plunge into a period of bitter cold. All eyes should be on Iceland to see if Katla awakens from its long sleep. If it does, talk of global warming will likely fade from the headlines.
My latest legal analysis upon discussions with Dr. Judith Curry by John O'Sullivan | Climate Realists
Dr. Judith Curry has made the point that others may also have been engaged in such egregious conduct. Of course, Mann wasn’t acting alone and this is not a ‘witch-hunt.’ But rather than exonerating Mann, such an apologist argument merely mires him deeper in a conspiracy to defraud. And busting the wider conspiracy is any prosecutor’s goal.

Anti-corruption investigators proceed by pinpointing one fraudster at a time so that others may be more readily fitted into the conspiratorial puzzle; and taxpayers will be glad to see an end to that junk science gravy train.
The Attraction Of The AGW Religion « P Gosselin – NoTricksZone
Life is beginning to lose all meaning and purpose for some, as their religion collapses. For the AGW alarmists, it was so good despising and feeling superior to all the unenlightened flat-earthers and the rest of the planet-destroying humanity, and punishing them for their behaviour.

Sadly, that was one primary element that made the AGW religion so attractive for some, especially its leaders. In this religion it’s actually a virtue to seek ways to punish and control people instead of loving them. Those who join it are promised rescue, esteem and acceptance.
Kevin Rudd reneges on green rewards card | Herald Sun
KEVIN Rudd has failed to deliver another of his big ideas - a $50 green rewards card for households.
Despite the Government saying the card was "in the mail", Senator Wong's office confirmed not one has been posted.

She has called for a $4 million audit of the green loans scheme to look at allegations home-energy assessors have been making fraudulent claims.

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