Sunday, May 02, 2010

Open Choke: Transocean Horizon Spill... "Obama's Katrina"?
2. How much oil will this spill (worst case scenario)? A. 150,000 barrels.

3. How much is it leaking now? A. 5,000 barrels per day, although it sounds so much bigger when you multiply by 42 and put it into gallons.

4. How much natural oil seepage is there in the Gulf of Mexico? A. 5,000 barrels per day, although it is widely distributed and not point sourced.

5. Where will this rank? A. 37th in the world's top 71 man-made oil spills.
The Signal - Santa Clarita Valley News
Global warming and the planet earth
Presentation on global warming by Dr. Jeff Zweerink, University of California Los Angeles astrophysicist and speaker with "Reasons to Believe," a group of scientists who work to relate science and faith, 7 p.m., Sunday, May 2
California Senate candidate Carly Fiorina on global warming -
On the issues: It’s clear from the polling data that a pro-life candidate can win a statewide election in California. Global warming used to be one of the top three issues for Californians, now it doesn’t make the top 10. Even in California, a majority of voters now favor offshore drilling. Things are a lot different for people when they’re looking at 20 percent unemployment .”
Simpsons Poke Fun at Alternative Energy - Minnesotans For Global Warming

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