Saturday, May 01, 2010

The Overbrook Foundation: "Experts" Talk Climate at the Met
James Hansen spoke next, with the dispassionate certainty of a scientist who has been looking at the causes and implications of global warming for over thirty years.
Al Fin: Science Journal "Nature" Opens to Climate Heretics?
Finnish physicist Jyrki Kauppinen conducted research which led him to conclude that only 5 - 10% of warming -- at most -- is due to anthropogenic CO2. The study is tentatively to be published in a June issue of Nature. If not, the author plans to have the study published in a Physics journal
If Nature does publish this piece, it will mark a significant turning point for the British journal of science, which up until now has consistently carried the water of the climate alarmist orthodoxy.
EU Climate Policy Update: Italy Rethinks Kyoto — MasterResource
Another breach in the badly aging Kyoto wall has been opened.
The Reference Frame: April 2010 cooler than April 1998
The UAH anomaly in April 1998 was 0.76 or 0.77 °C, respectively, so the April 2010 anomaly will still be a whopping 0.2 or 0.3 °C cooler than April 1998.

1 comment:

David Appell said...

Kauppinen might have submitted his paper to Nature, but it is unlikely that they plan to publish it, since by the rules of that publication he would not be permitted to discuss his findings until it appears in print.