Friday, May 07, 2010

The Reference Frame: Twelve percent of NAS establish their AGW inquisition
Yesterday, 255 members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences - which has 2100 members in total - signed an open but paid letter in Science:
Such letters usually create lots of noise but we shouldn't forget that the signatories represent just a fringe minority of the National Academy of Sciences so this letter doesn't directly imply that the whole academy is rotten.
'Climate Change Scientists' Numbers Dropping Dramatically - Minnesotans For Global Warming
There used to be 2,500 scientists who believe in Global Warming now there are only 250.

Today in a desperate attempt to restore their reputations a mere 250 scientists came forward to do damage control from the hacked emails that exposed their Ponzi scheme last fall.
On the other side of the debate 31,000 regular old "Scientists" have signed a petition saying they don't believe in Global Warming.

So let's see, that means 123 Out Of 124 Scientist DON'T Believe in Global Warming!
C3: France's Grape Region Records Slight Cooling Since Medieval Warming, Peer-Reviewed Research Finds
France's Burgundy region farmers, famous for their wines, also had the foresight to record grape harvest data going back to the ending of the Medieval Warming Period. Using that evidence, researchers constructed a temperature record revealing a very slight cooling since the hot temperatures of the Medieval Warming.

Clearly, this unique record reveals that modern era temperatures are in no manner "unprecedented," especially when compared to the warmth of the lengthy period that stretches from 1370 through the 1600's.
Recent Variations In Upper Ocean Heat Content – Information From Phil Klotzbach « Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
The Climate Prediction Center recently released its equatorial upper ocean heat content for April 2010. One of the primary areas that they focus on is the equatorial heat content averaged over the area from 180-100W. The decrease in upper ocean heat content from March to April was 1C, which is the largest decrease in equatorial upper ocean heat content in this area since the CPC began keeping records of this in 1979. The upwelling phase of a Kelvin wave was likely somewhat responsible for this significant cooling.

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