Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Again, these people think you're stupid: What's the correlation between atmospheric CO2 levels and flood deaths?

Twitter / Brad Johnson
[One guy] Killed by a hoax #climate #inhofe
Twitter / Andy Revkin
Deadly flash floods in Europe, too: More on warming/flooding question: #agw #climate #weather
[Again, if trace amounts of CO2 causes today's floods, what caused all of these floods?]
Date Location Dead
1887, September-October Hwang Ho (Yellow) River, China Over 900,000
1939 North China 500,000
1642 Kaifeng, Honan Province, China Over 300,000
1099 England and the Netherlands 100,000
1287, December 14 The Netherlands 50,000
1824 Russia 10,000
1421, November 18 The Netherlands 10,000
1964, November-December Mekong Delta, South Vietnam 5,000
1951, August 6-7 Manchuria 4,800
1948, June Foochow, China 3,500
List of deadliest floods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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