Monday, June 28, 2010

Al Gore’s Convenient Mall of Asia Version | Climate Science and Politics
Where were the scientists in the audience to clarify this? The answer is – there was no room for questions. The questions had to be presented in advance to the host. And poor Gore claimed that night not to be paid for a scientifc dialogue.
...Gore had to admit to the Asian audience that the IPCC report contained “just one mistake”.
* “This is how it looks like now” (slide Arctic sea ice September 2007). Some say it will disappear in 5 years, some in 10, some in 20 years
* “Global temperature will go up 3°C this century, this is the least, some say it can go up by 12°C this century

Now the latter is a gross exaggeration.
...To the surprise of many, Gore does generally favor nuclear power.
Twitter / Whitey Rabbers
Hey Gore CONSENSUS says you raped that massage therapist. So you you must have done it.
American Thinker: Sex, Lies, and Al Gore
Another feather in her cap: She told someone right away. She apparently called a friend in the middle of the night to disclose what happened. She reportedly saw an attorney, a therapist, and even contacted the police (though she didn't follow through).

People will lambaste this woman for not following through in 2006 with her complaint. If she were attacked, why didn't she go public and protect other potential victims?

The truth is that most women (and men) do not report sexual violence. Predators, especially rich and powerful ones, can get away with almost anything.
The motivation behind these Men Acting Badly is power more than sex. They have gargantuan egos, with toadies serving their every need, and a shoddy moral code. They loot and pillage because they can get away with it.

And there's Al Gore himself, a puffed up version of his former self. As the Green Messiah, his head has swelled as markedly as his girth. Gore dismisses any notion that the numbers around global warming have been cooked. When he recently testified before Congress, his contempt for mere mortals was evident.

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