Friday, June 25, 2010

The Climate War: True Believers, Power Brokers, and the Fight to Save the Earth - Newsweek
Eric Pooley weaves the 15-year saga of climate-change politicking around the story of the mercurial partnership of environmentalist Fred Krupp and big-energy businessman Jim Rogers. Oh, and Al Gore, of course. At the fringes are activists chaining themselves to bulldozers, deniers spreading anti-global- warming propaganda, and immovable idealists on both the left and right. The climax comes in Copenhagen, when President Obama makes big proclamations but offers little policy. In the end, dithering seems to have become everyone’s No. 1 course of action. As Pooley shows, that’s at all of our peril.
Andrew Revkin, in his New York Times blog, Dot Earth, has praised the book. There’s also been an Al Gore tweet to his more than 2 million followers, an Oprah Radio spot, and Bloomberg TV coverage.
Don’t Miss These Bits

1. The “denialosphere” is devious, and smart. Though much of the world has cut CO2 emissions, amazingly, many Americans still doubt that humans are even responsible for climate change. Well, it’s no hoax. Despite its lack of scientific street cred, the denial camp has swayed public opinion through fake “he said, she said” journalism (page 35). Quick slogans work, too: cap-and-trade quickly became cap-and-tax. Just look at Congress for further examples . . .

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