Friday, June 04, 2010

The Daily Bayonet « Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Jun. 3rd 2010
The WWF wants Canadian hippies to pin car keys on their shirts to show support for alternative transport, polar bears need a new press agent and NASA has more problems than Apollo 13 had extra holes.
C3: U.S. Climate Data Reveals Past Global Warming Far Exceeds Modern Temperature Change
3. Over the 9,000 years, the average temperature increase from the trough of the preceding cooling period to the next temperature peak has exceeded 2.0°C. In contrast, the Modern warming has barely reached a 0.7°C increase since the Little Ice Age cooling trough.

4. There have been nine significant warming trends leading to temperature peaks over last 9,000 years; and, all exceed the Modern warming trend in terms of absolute degree change (increase).
Japan unveils $4 bn of climate cash spending - News - Point Carbon
Japan has allocated over a third of the cash it has pledged to spend on fast-start climate aid.
Opinion: Did Al Gore Invent His Marriage Too? - AOL News
But Gore had a reputation for exaggerating. Among other things, he got himself into hot water with the remark that he helped create the Internet. He also once intimated, inaccurately, that he and Tipper were the models for the couple in the Erich Segal 1970 novel "Love Story," later a movie that starred Ali McGraw and Ryan O'Neill.

So why didn't we suspect he was exaggerating the quality of his marriage?

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