Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Green idiocy in Concord: You can sell bottles containing sugar, CO2, chemicals and water, but you can't sell bottles containing pure water

Bottled Water Ban Vexes Concord Vendors - Green Blog -
At the Cheese Shop, a sandwich place in the town’s retail district where bottled water is a top seller, employees predicted that thirsty shoppers would buy fewer healthy drinks if bottled water wasn’t available. “Why ban water but not soda and juice bottles?” asked Armine Roat, 48, who said she brings her own reusable water bottle to work every day. “That doesn’t seem right.”

She and another employee, Rachael Ward, 20, wondered what they would say to all the tourists who come to town to visit Walden Pond and other historic spots. Many stop in for bottled water, they said, especially on hot days.

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