Sunday, June 13, 2010

[If Obama can't get climate hoax legislation passed, will other countries like us less?]
Pooley wants the White House to set the ground-work for a lame duck session during which a carbon cap of some sort will be passed.

The one factor that Obama advisers may be overlooking is the impact that the Senate's failure to act will have on Obama's international reputation. Without a bill, it will be difficult to reach the 17 percent reduction in emissions that the president promised at Copenhagen. What impact will this have on the U.S.'s ability to make agreements about other issues? Will this undermine his/the U.S's credibility with other nations? Where is Sec. of State Clinton? She promised $100 billion in U.S. funds for adaptation. This promise cannot be met without some sort of mechanism to price carbon. She has a stake in fulfilling this commitment, too.

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