Monday, June 21, 2010

Lawrence Solomon: Global warming strategist scores New York Times coup | FP Comment | Financial Post

Krosnick, an expert in questionnaire design, produces studies geared to explaining why people answer the way they do, and how to get them to answer differently. One recent paper dealt entirely with one of the biggest embarrassments to the global warming camp, Gallup's classic "Most Important Problem" question: "What do you think is the most important problem facing this country today?"

When public opinion pollsters ask the public this question or variants of it, global warming invariably comes in dead last. Sometimes the surveys find that not one person answers "global warming." To get a better result, Krosnick lumped "global warming" in with "the environment" and didn't limit the question to the U.S., asking "What do you think is the most important problem facing the world today? 7% then answered "Global warming/the environment."

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