Thursday, June 24, 2010

PostPartisan - Washington Post blog - Al Gore: big lummox or crazed sex poodle?
There are hundreds of jokes to be made here. I won’t make any of them, because I don’t want the world to be destroyed by global warming.
Neighbors say woman who has accused Al Gore is friendly, honest, spiritual |
"She's a very spiritual person," said Pepe Moscoso, an artist and photographer who lives in the same apartment complex in Southeast Portland. "We'd talk about the Zodiac and other astrological things."

He described her as "a very honest person."
Power Line - "Crazed Sex Poodle"?
I know the "imagine if it were a Republican" theme gets tedious, but still: is it conceivable that if there were a police report accusing Dick Cheney of a sexual assault, it would not be the occasion for the biggest media frenzy of recent years? No, it isn't. It is hard to resist the speculation that Al Gore has been protected not only because he is a Democrat, but because he is the leading symbol of the global warming movement, which our journalist class enthusiastically supports.

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