Monday, June 21, 2010

The Reference Frame: Tim Flannery walks away from his claims
Bolt was amazingly prepared. He has read lots of articles by Flannery and stored many of the most catchy quotes. So he could present all the original sources. Throughout the years, Flannery has said and written many things about the insanely rising sea level, disappearance of ice sheets within two years, Australian cities without any water, and lots of other things.

Of course, they didn't come true. It's interesting - although expected - to observe Flannery how he denies most of his previous big claims. These people are deliberately spreading lies and extremely unlikely speculations, hoping that people would absorb them by osmosis. And some people have done so, indeed.

Whenever these people are confronted, however, they pretend that they have never said any of these things.
[Lots of money changing hands here, but in the end, is the weather better that it would have been?]: A $100 Million Pool for Solar Financing - Green Blog -
Homeowners do not pay for solar arrays – which can cost more than $30,000 — but sign a power purchase agreement with SunRun that fixes the cost of their monthly electricity payments for as many as 18 years. In exchange, SunRun installs, owns and maintains the solar systems.

SunRun and other companies that lease solar energy systems qualify for a 30 percent tax credit against the cost of the arrays. Since most startups have no use for such tax credits, they give them to investors in exchange for financing installations.
New CSIRO boss has "no scientific pedigree" | Australian Climate Madness
By his own admission! In fact, he is a corporate banker from Macquarie. Words fail me. But in the end, who cares? CSIRO isn't in the business of proper science any more, it's just a mouthpiece for federal government funded climate change alarmism, and this guy, who knows nothing about science, is perfect for the job, announcing that he "wants climate change elevated to the top of the political and public agenda." He is, of course, clueless on climate...

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