Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Rudd on His Way Out?
Breaking news in Australia has Prime Minister Kevin Rudd facing a leadership challenge from Julia Gillard...Rudd could be out as soon as tomorrow (this afternoon if you are in my part of the world).
Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog: Frustration with the "Climate Deniers"
The paper, which marks the ignominious introduction of the term "climate denier" as a keyword in the PNAS, represents the triumph of blog war politics into mainstream academic publishing. The blog wars over climate change are notable for appeals to authority and efforts to delegitimize. For some in the scientific community the focus is, not just as Schneider states, on the "climate deniers" but also anyone who has a slightly different scientific or political perspective.

That these wars have influenced how academics behave was revealed in the stolen/leaked East Anglia emails.
- Bishop Hill blog - The Team gets the paleo job...again
No Briffa, Jones or Mann, but the paleoclimate chapter includes Tim Osborn. Having someone from CRU onboard might well be seen as somewhat controversial if not downright provocative. Other familiar names are Eystein Jansen, Bette Otto-Bleisner and Juerg Luterbacher.

Marcel advises that many of the authors were also on board for AR4. Perhaps nobody else wants to be involved any more.

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