Friday, June 18, 2010

Tom Toles - Take your time
Well, the Gulf of Mexico is a pretty enormous bucket, and that little billowing brown cloud of oil is having PLENTY of impact. How long has it been? Weeks? Now how long have we been dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere? And what would our plan be on capping THAT, again? How about if we let that gulf leak run for, say, a CENTURY or so? How would that be for you? Might that be a BAD thing? Oh, how "arrogant"!
Spill no justification for cap-and-trade scheme | oil, government, spill - Opinion - The Orange County Register
Firms participating in a worldwide carbon scheme already abuse it by artificially inflating their greenhouse gas emissions, which allows rich nations to boost emissions, Reuters reports. For example, chemical plants maximize production of a potent gas because of a financial incentive – getting paid via the offset scheme to destroy the same gas.

The U.S. needs cap and trade like it needs another oil spill. - Obama 'Green Energy Jobs’ Model--Communist China--Saw 5,983 Coal Miners Die in One Year, According to Greenpeace
In its October 2008 report, “The True Cost of Coal,” Greenpeace said: “China is the largest producer and consumer of coal. Production last year grew by 8.2 per cent to 2,520 megatons and coal sales grew 7.9 per cent to 2,580 megatons. Coal accounts for 70 per cent of primary energy consumption in China, a proportion 42 per cent higher than the world average.”
No Frakking Consensus: Scientists & Science Journalists - Please Grow Up
Never mind that geologists tell us polar ice has been present for less than 20 percent of Earth's history and that we live on a dynamic, ever-changing planet. Ice sheets and glaciers expand and contract. They've been behaving this way for millions of years. One could say it's what they do.

So why do so many scientists and science journalists - the very people who should know better - reject the dispassionate, sober perspective? Why do they remind us of emotionally volatile teenagers?

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