Monday, June 28, 2010

UK shipping industry pushing for global cap & trade
Although a range of technological and logistical innovations that could reduce shipping emissions significantly is on the horizon, Kopernicki argues that these will be not pursued with any speed unless the industry establishes financial incentives quickly. A shipping industry cap and trade system could operate initially in "shadow mode" to give participants time to familiarise themselves with it, adds Kopernicki.
More Fraud Within the "Clean" Development Mechanism | Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit
A consortium of North American and European activists have demanded sweeping changes to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) after charging that up to one-third of all CERs ever sold may have been illegitimate.
They Loved BP and Enron: Climate Alarmism as the Great Environmental Distraction (Part I: Worldwatch Institute quotations) — MasterResource
Just imagine if John Browne had used the time and resources BP spent on climate alarmism and ‘beyond petroleum’ on real safety and environmental issues.
Just imagine if Enron’s Ken Lay had used the time and resources spent on climate alarmism and forced energy transformation on accounting, risk control, and the real things that promote business sustainability.
C3: Why The Recent Global Cooling? Peer-Reveiwed Study Provides Evidence and Possible Reasons
In a recent post examining global temperatures, we provided temperature charts that clearly indicated the recent global cooling. Scientists publishing in peer-reviewed journals are also document this cooling and speculate as to the causes...

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