Thursday, June 03, 2010 Cartoonist/idiot Tom Toles weighs in on the alleged dangers of trace amounts of natural atmospheric gas

Tom Toles - Can the GOP make up its mind?
Several times I have heard variants of this: after listening to climate change warnings, someone asserts that he is going out and buying an even BIGGER SUV. That will annoy somebody! And when the elderly are dying in an unprecedented heat wave or farmers watch their fields blow away in a dust storm or refugees pack what they can carry and head for a camp somewhere, consider that someone will be successfully annoyed. What fun!

But isn't that the same as when I say that Sarah Palin is a preposterous fraud? No. Because unlike oil spills and climate change, she IS a fraud, not least for her downplaying both of those risks for cheap applause and expensive speaking gigs.
--Tom Toles

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