Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why Hybrids and Electric Cars are Currently Pointless Purchases
I suppose this is what happens when they get caught up in the hype caused by concepts like global warming, the supposedly shrinking supply of oil worldwide and people suddenly thinking that they are actually contributing to the facts stated before this. I personally have no interest in hybrids and electric powered vehicles and I would like to tell you why.
Waterproof jackets may help you soak in the view, but can cost the Earth | Simon Birch | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Outdoor gear is made from climate-changing oil-based chemicals - manufacturers need to clean up their act
The Reference Frame: Pachauri loves climate skeptics
There exist vague hints that the ongoing IAC session in Montreal may not be a complete farce. The four witnesses are:

Robert Watson: an ex-chief of the IPCC
Christopher Field: its current WG boss for impacts
Hans von Storch: a boss in Germany
John Christy: a boss in Alabama

Of course, von Storch is a centrist character who has described the hockey stick graph as a methodological rubbish and who has criticized some of the IPCC wrongdoing. John Christy is a key person behind the UAH satellite measurements and may be classified as a climate skeptic.

So the composition of the witnesses may imply that the hearings won't be completely meaningless. But the witnesses don't actually guarantee that the IAC review itself will be meaningful.
Climate Change Hocus Pocus and “The Green People” Losing Traction | Lake Minnetonka Liberty
There is no global warming, there is no climate change, there is no impending climate disaster unless we “do something.” It’s all hocus-pocus nonsense based in greed and lust for power. Nothing more, nothing less.

Passing any type of legislation, or an executive order to the EPA by Obama will make our energy costs skyrocket unnecessarily, and will create rationing in the long run. Because of the climate laws in the U.K., they are looking at energy rationing within 10 years. Is that what you want here?

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