Friday, June 04, 2010

Will the Midwest Turn Its Back on Addressing Climate Change? -
...Granholm is leaving office because of term limits, and several of her potential successors are vowing to jump-start new coal plants and take the state in the opposite direction on renewable energy and climate change.
Climate sceptics and fringe political groups are an unhealthy cocktail | Leo Hickman | Environment |
If their scientific case against anthropogenic global warming is so strong, why can't they simply let their peer-reviewed articles in their chosen specialist fields do their bidding for them?
The Reference Frame: The Arctic doesn't amplify global temperature swings
There is no "climate" in the RSS temperature tables from 1979 to 2010: everything is "weather".
- Bishop Hill blog - The irrational polemicist
George Monbiot has written the most extraordinary review of the book I'm currently reading - Matt Ridley's Rational Optimist. I'm not sure I've ever read such a bilious review of a book before, and certainly few that have been devoted quite so much space to ad hominems. If anything, Monbiot comes over as slightly deranged.
- Bishop Hill blog - Monckton to overthrow government..
...or something like that. Lord Monckton is apparently to be the new deputy leader of the UK Independence Party and is wondering if global warming sceptics will now all leave the Conservative Party.

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