Sunday, June 13, 2010

Works and Days » Government by the Faculty Lounge
We are being run by the mindset of the faculty lounge, as if the philosophy or English department has taken over running the country. Let me adduce some random examples.
...Taxes could be limitless, because a Michelle’s proverbial “they” had far too much money anyway, and so spent their lucre on needless things like jet skis and SUVs. Better for the university to have it and spread it around wisely.

Foreigners were usually smarter than Americans, mostly because they took the train and were without a Ram pickup in their garages. Fright surrounded things like flipping back the circuit breaker or unplugging the sewer line under the house; more mysterious were the grubby folk who didn’t eat arugula and were called in to conjure up a fix to these bothersome distractions.
No Frakking Consensus: Cross Examining the IPCC
The problem is that if your mandate is to produce an objective report and you instead ignore, minimize, and conceal evidence that happens to undercut your preconceived opinions, you've betrayed the public's trust.
Hurricane Season Causes: Climate Change Versus Natural Variability | Climate Change
Hurricanes and climate change is considered an "active area of research" because there isn't a strong scientific consensus yet.
Scientists playing God will save lives | Peter Singer
In the age of oil disasters and climate change, we have more to risk if we don't let scientists such as Craig Venter redesign life

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