Sunday, July 18, 2010

Abbott says no to carbon price - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says there will not be a price on carbon in Australia if the Coalition wins Government.

He says he opposes a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme.
Pampered populists - Victor Davis Hanson - The Corner on National Review Online
The truth is that the real big money and the lifestyles that go with it are now firmly liberal Democratic.

One can use an entire array of evidence — the preponderance of Wall Street money that went to Obama over McCain in 2008, the liberal voting patterns of the high-income blue-state congressional districts, the anecdotal evidence of a Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or George Soros, or the ease by which an eco-populist like Al Gore buys estates and creates corporations, or the rarified tastes of men of the people like John Edwards of two-nations fame, or John Kerry of multiple estate residences.
In short, Obama had better get the populist photo-ops down a lot better, since his calls to soak the rich from the 18th hole or the coastal vacation home look increasingly ridiculous.

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