Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bid to make UEA climate research more accessible
The £62,000 funding given to UEA will pay for a one-year project in partnership with the Science and Technology Facilities Council looking at the best ways to make the data and research methods available so that others can use them.
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, July 29 2010 « The Daily Bayonet
A game show host challenges Al Gore to live the green life, the Governator seems rudderless in defense of his climate bill and global warming causes Mexicans, or something.
Reid's sad "Clean Energy" probably doomed - War Room -
The Reid bill needs the support of every Democrat and one Republican to have any chance at passing, and to win that support Reid would probably need to add some sort of reverse-carbon cap, in which the bill would call on the government to pay companies to emit as much carbon as they can, for fun. (The House passed cap-and-trade already, a long time ago.)
Cool summer: L.A. sets more low-temperature records | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times
The unusually cool summer continued in Southern California, where several new record-low temperatures were recorded on Wednesday.

The 68-degree low at Los Angeles International Airport broke the old record low for the day, which was 70 degrees in 1991. Santa Barbara (68) and San Luis Obispo (69) broke records as well.

The temperature at USC, 75, tied the record low set in 1999. UCLA also set a record, 56 degrees, according to the National Weather Service.

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