Monday, July 19, 2010

Chilean citrus hit by cold snap
Chilean citrus importers are taking a wait-and-see attitude toward possible damage from a cold snap July 13-14, but some early signs suggested possible limited damage.

Temperatures bottomed out at -9 Celsius (16 Fahrenheit) in some regions, said Matt Gordon, Chilean program manager at DNE World Fruit Sales, Fort Pierce, Fla.
It's Not That Hot
This isn't hot. This is nice weather. Mankind originated in Africa. You know why? Because it's hot there. You don't see mankind originating in f*cking Antarctica, or New England, for that matter. Pretty tough to originate your species when you're freezing your ass off, eh? Humans didn't pop out of nature's shell wearing PolarArcticTek snow suits. We were born in our birthday suits, and that's god's way of telling us where we should be. Can you walk around naked, as god intended, without freezing your balls off? Then you're in a place that's too god damn cold, brother.
Our bodies have a built-in mechanism to deal with heat. It's called sweating your ass off. Live it, love it, embrace it. On the other hand, there is no built-in mechanism to counteract frostbite. Well yea, one: death. And gnawing your own arm off to escape a bleak and frozen moonscape. Why people prefer that to a little sunburn, I'll never know. All I know is, Jesus Christ, I'll take a little sweat and skin cancer and a moderate number of heat stroke victims over months upon months huddled indoors wrapped in blankets around the heat vent any day. Complaining about the heat? Remember that when you're knee-deep in dirty ice puddle with subfreezing water soaking through socks next January, friend. You people sure do have some mixed-up priorities.
For 9 men, sadly, global warming was a hoax « Don Surber
We continue to see that global warming is a cruel hoax. In fact, the world would be better off if the ice caps melted. It has happened before and there was more life on Earth — and a greater diversity of species — than there is today.
Changes urged in climate body | The Philippine Star >> News >> Headlines
“This is yet one more indication of the chaos plaguing the management of climate finance in the Philippines. Governance by ‘adhocracy’ is unacceptable in the face of worsening climate impacts,” he said.
Amphibians wiped out before they are discovered : Nature News
"We're losing things before we find them," says Andrew Crawford, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of the Andes in Bogotá, Colombia, and lead author of the study.
YouTube - 07-16-10 Disagree with Global Warming? Congratulations, You're A Racist!
The Hub panel talks up the on-going climate change boondoggle. If you don't support it now, you're a racist!
Popular Eminent Physicists Skeptical of AGW
Six Eminent Physicists; Freeman Dyson, Ivar Giaever (Nobel Prize), Edward Teller, Frederick Seitz, Robert Jastrow and William Nierenberg are all skeptical of "man-made" global warming (AGW).
Stanford climate scientist Stephen Schneider dies at 65 - San Jose Mercury News
Stanford officials announced Monday that Schneider, 65, suffered a heart attack today while flying from a science meeting in Stockholm to London.
"Steve, more than anything, whether you agreed with him or not, forced us to confront this real possibility of climate change," said Jeff Koseff, his colleague at Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment.

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