Tuesday, July 20, 2010

China Makes Western CO2 “control” Pointless « Musings from the Chiefio
China mostly uses coal, and will use ever more of it over time. They are locking up coal supplies world wide by purchasing them or signing 20+ year contracts. They have no intension of reducing coal usage. They have also recently bought large chunks of Canadian Tar Sands, so you will find them being used too, despite their high CO2 production.

China is not improving energy efficiency as fast as the west, so any move of processes to China will make more CO2, not less.

Add those three together and you find that Cap ‘N Tax and Koyoto like treaties will result in a net increase in CO2 production as the sources simply move to China. This is NOT a theoretical, it’s already happening (and in large part has happened. Look at the size and growth of China steel production, for example.)
Flashback: YouTube - Obama/Joe Biden "No Coal Plants Here in America"
Obama VP Joe Biden speaking with an activist in Ohio. Tells her he doesn't support clean coal here in the US and that he only wants coal plants built in China.
Save the planet! Starve pregnant women | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
It’s one small glimmer of hope in this midnight of madness that even the warmist CSIRO is now accusing other bodies of been corrupted by the green faith.
C3: 2010 Peer-Reviewed Study: GRACE Satellite Measurements of Sea Level Rise & Ice Sheet Mass Loss Are Worthless
The new technology that GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) satellite measurements represent appears to have major biases and is error-prone. Unfortunately, climate scientists who advocate climate alarmism misuse the GRACE findings to support their views without stating the critical GRACE short-comings.
Obama to Federal Workers: Stop Driving - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Don’t forget air conditioning! I assume all federal buildings have already set their thermostats at 80 degrees for the summer, right?
Flashback: President Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for Federal Operations | The White House
As the single largest energy consumer in the U.S. economy, the Federal Government spent more than $24.5 billion on electricity and fuel in 2008 alone.

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