Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Dead-Letter Energy Bill? - Stephen Spruiell - National Review Online
Democrats may be pushing doomed energy legislation in order to brand Republicans as obstructionists.
Judging from the previous remarks of key Senate Democrats, Senate majority leader Harry Reid isn’t likely to get enough votes for the energy bill he unveiled this week. Even without carbon caps or renewable-energy mandates on utility companies, Reid’s bill is too much of a job-killer to pass.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Not Particularly Surprising
Natural seeps in the Gulf of Mexico release more oil each year than even the most recent oil spill. Somehow, nature consumes this oil with only a few tar ball showing up on beaches.
By All Means, Let’s Look to Europe - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Planet Gore readers well know that Europe’s “green economy” — and the subsidies underpinning this latest version of central planning — have all collapsed under their own weight (after compounding Europe’s economic crisis). Nonetheless, Barack Obama presses ever harder to impose the same calamity here.

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