Friday, July 23, 2010

Editorial - Climate Bill Out With a Whimper -
There are, however, as many as a dozen Senate Democrats, mainly from the South, Appalachia and the Midwest, who share the blame.
...despite the opportunity offered by the oil spill to press for a bold energy policy, the president essentially disappeared.
Can the country hope for better in the months ahead? It must. The danger of global warming is not going away just because Washington’s politicians don’t want to deal with it.

Even a scaled-down bill would be an important start. There is no secret about what it must include: a cap on power plant emissions, minimum standards for renewable energy, strong efficiency standards, new incentives for more fuel-efficient cars, investments and loan guarantees for next-generation technologies.
Van Jones on Sherrod: A Teachable Moment - Washington Wire - WSJ
Jones, however, was quick to note that there was a difference between his situation and Sherrod’s—namely that his personal politics were considerably more radical and thus easier to malign.

“I had a much more colorful life than Ms. Sherrod,” he said. “I mean, let’s be honest: I was distinguishable as a radical leftist in the Bay Area. You’ve got to get up early, you’ve got to work weekends to be distinguishable as a leftist in the Bay Area.”
Sea Level Shenanigans | The Resilient Earth
Part of sea level change may, indeed, be caused by human activity, but not because of anthropogenic global warming. Damming and rerouting rivers diminishes water flowing to the sea; over-pumping buried aquifers and draining oil fields can cause subsidence. At the same time uplift and subduction, changing wind and currents, erosion and the deposit of sediments all play a larger, natural part. So when climate change alarmists start ranting about the inexorable rise of the world's oceans, realize that it is just another scare tactic being used to frighten the uninformed public—sea level shenanigans meant to promote the warmist agenda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Try reading the comments on that NYtime editorial - all moaning and wailing that we're all doomed and the end it nigh. Phew - it's hard to believe there are so many crack-pots in the world.