Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hot Air » Oh my: Reid to drop cap-and-trade from new energy bill
Supposedly it’s merely a scheduling move, aimed at pushing the C&T debate into the fall when the Senate calendar is less crowded.

Really, though? Democrats, who are already terrified of losing Congress, are going to surf into the midterms with an eleventh-hour push for a hugely expensive new bill related to … global warming? With the GOP already armed with ad-ready video of Obama talking about how it’ll make energy prices “skyrocket”? Radical prediction: Reid’s going to end up deciding in September that the schedule’s still a little too “crowded” to take this up.
Silly season for melting ice « Calder's Updates
So the big news ought to be:

Hooray! Satellites detect no lasting change in the extent of global sea ice over the past 30 years
Pacific Ocean Likely in Early Stages of La Nina, Australian Bureau Says - Bloomberg
Some parts of the Pacific near the equator are now 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) below average, the Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology said on its website today.
The American Spectator : America's Ruling Class -- And the Perils of Revolution
The ethanol industry and its ensuing diversions of wealth exist exclusively because of subsidies. The prospect of legislation that would put a price on carbon emissions and allot certain amounts to certain companies set off a feeding frenzy among large companies to show support for a "green agenda," because such allotments would be worth tens of billions of dollars. That is why companies hired some 2,500 lobbyists in 2009 to deepen their involvement in "climate change." At the very least, such involvement profits them by making them into privileged collectors of carbon taxes. Any "green jobs" thus created are by definition creatures of subsidies -- that is, of privilege. What effect creating such privileges may have on "global warming" is debatable. But it surely increases the number of people dependent on the ruling class, and teaches Americans that satisfying that class is a surer way of making a living than producing goods and services that people want to buy.

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