Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Journalist Clarence Page suggests that trace amounts of CO2 cause blizzards

Climate-change deniers get comeuppance | Clarence Page
Here’s a note to the global-warming deniers who sar­cas­ti­cally called me a dope dur­ing last winter’s back-to-back bliz­zards on the East Coast: Is it hot enough for you now?
As I wrote last win­ter, Inhofe and other snarky cli­mate change deniers were con­fus­ing the mean­ing of “weather” and “cli­mate.” Weather is day-to-day. Cli­mate is long-term. As cli­ma­tol­o­gists say, cli­mate change only shifts the odds in favor of cer­tain extreme weather events like bliz­zards, floods, hur­ri­canes and heat waves.

Yet when I brought this up dur­ing last winter’s “snow-pocalypse,” I was inun­dated with e-mails that called cli­mate change a “hoax,” a “scam” and a plot by whale-loving com­mie ter­ror­ists who are out to snatch everybody’s guns, Bibles and SUVs.
Clarence Page: Biography from Answers.com
Education: Ohio University, B.S. in journalism, 1969.

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