Saturday, July 03, 2010

No Frakking Consensus: 1969 Climate Predictions Miss by a Mile
Moral of the story: no one has ever been able to predict the future. Not even highly educated, highly regarded government advisors.
Global warming's Michael Mann: Cleared of the charges that nobody made
I have been very critical of Michael Mann since even before the release of the Climategate emails. None of the investigations held so far have answered my criticisms, nor the more thoroughly documented versions of the same criticisms leveled by Steve McIntyre.

That's because none of the investigations so far have examined the actual science in question. The closest this recent investigation came was interrogating a few witnesses about data handling procedures.
Al Fin: Who Is Really Killing the Birds?
We know that wind turbines kill more birds than BP. As more large wind turbines are built, the number of bird (and bat) kills will rise into the millions a year. Green mulch-for-brains faux environmentalists promote the building of huge numbers of giant bird-killing wind turbines, while clamouring for the shutdown of oil drilling, coal mining, and nuclear power plants.

Why don't they just come out and admit that they hate birds almost as much as they hate people? It seems as if the "great human dieoff" being promoted by faux environmentalists is not just for humans, after all. What other species do Greenpeace, Sierra Club, World Wildlife Federation and the rest of the poseurs have a planetary sized grudge against?
OregonLive : If you want the full answers, and the right ones, patience is required
...Hagerty's accounts contain enough detail to make me suspect he was at least less than a complete gentleman
Obama's deliberate Katrina | Energy & Environment
The 2010 oil spill is defined by yeoman's efforts by Gulf Coast governors - and an Obama administration response that is leagues beyond inept. It is proactively incompetent and obstructionist, as though it is determined not to let this crisis go to waste - but to prolong and intensify the environmental and economic calamity, to advance its political objectives: shutting down offshore leasing and drilling, bringing the US oil industry into the automotive-banking-housing-healthcare sphere of federal control, forcing a massive shift to costly renewable energy, and ramming cap-tax-and-trade through Congress.

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