Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pelosi: You know why we need a massive federal global warming swindle? Because it'll reduce our dependence on foreign oil!

Obama tells uneasy liberals and bloggers at Nevada convention to keep pushing for change in DC -
Just two days after Senate Democrats gave up plans to attempt to pass an energy bill that caps greenhouse gases blamed for global warming, Pelosi said "this is not an issue the Senate can walk away from."

The plan was a priority of Obama, who had hoped to add a climate bill to his list of legislative successes.

"We'll welcome whatever the Senate can pass to reduce our dependence on foreign oil," Pelosi said. "Sooner or later this has to happen."
Liberals press Obama for more action on key issues - Nation AP -
Her most forceful pitch involved climate change legislation.
Note that only 1% of US electricity generation comes from petroleum; how, exactly, would a massive new coal tax reduce our dependence on foreign oil?

[Again, note that the federal government has been throwing away money since 1977 with the express purpose of ending our dependence on foreign oil. How are they doing so far? If we throw two or ten times as much money at the problem, how much better will the results be?]
The Department of Energy was formed after the oil crisis on August 4, 1977 in order to end the United States dependence on foreign oil
Employees 16,000 federal (2009)
93,094 contract (2008)
Annual budget $24.1 billion (2009)

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