Thursday, July 15, 2010

Portland Tribune defends their sitting on the Al Gore sexual assault charge story, even though they had a police report in hand

Gore chase had no finish
With no evidence on pants, claims were hard to prove
(It turns out the Tribune was not the first publication Hagerty talked to, to see if it might be interested in the story – at least according to Hagerty. She said she talked to Michael Isikoff at Newsweek magazine, but he was only willing to print the accusations if they were on the record, with her name being published. When she said she was not willing, he wasn’t interested in the story. Isikoff, who now works for NBC News, did not return a message this week from the Tribune.)
Hagerty said she said nothing to the hotel staff about the alleged assault as she left the hotel that night, but did call a friend in Texas, Greg Boatman, shortly after she got home at 2 a.m. to tell him what had happened. (She later produced cell phone records that indicated she made a call to Texas that night.) She also said she had called the sexual assault hotline with the Portland Women’s Crisis Line within 72 hours of that night. Her cell phone records verified a 13-minute call on Oct. 28, 2006. She provided a document she obtained from the crisis line summarizing their conversation. It does not name Gore, but it does state: “She does not want to involve the police. She says that they won’t do anything because of who he is.”
Liberal media bias protecting a Democratic establishment figure? That’s laughable.

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