Tuesday, July 13, 2010

San Diego doesn't hit 70 degrees for 11th day - SignOnSanDiego.com
[July 11, 2010] San Diego has now gone 11 straight days without the temperature reaching 70 degrees, something that hasn't happened in at least a decade and perhaps as much as 15 years, says the National Weather Service.
Eco-friendly ski resorts offset glacial melting - Environment - The Independent
Officials have begun covering some mountains in Northern Italy with a giant blanket in an attempt to slow the rate at which the ice is melting, reported BBC Brazil on July 8.

970,000 square feet (90,115 square meters) of 4mm thick insulating material is being rolled out across the Presena glacier in the Italian province of Trento.
Even liberals are giving up defending Al Gore
Via Byron York, here’s Politics Daily’s Melinda Henneberger, who waits until the fourth paragraph
of a “Who is Al Gore, really?” piece to tell us:
A journalistic colleague I had no reason to doubt told anyone who would listen that Vice President Al Gore had tried to stick his tongue down her throat out of nowhere at a New Year’s Eve party in the mid-’90s, when all she’d been expecting was a friendly peck.
If I had said that as a joke, I’d be a hatemongering wingnut. (If you don’t think that already.) She throws it out as an aside in the middle of what feels like a eulogy for “one of the most complicated people I’ve ever known.”

Wonder how many other “Well, now that ya mention it…” stories are out there?

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