Monday, July 05, 2010

Study claims hydroelectric dams hurt climate more than oil
Hydroelectric power is normally listed in the same breath as solar, wind and wave as a world-saving renewable energy source. But a study from Brazil's National Institute for Research in the Amazon claims that it could be considerably more damaging to the atmosphere than generating the same amount of energy from oil.
BBC News - Dutch review backs UN climate science report
A Dutch inquiry into the UN's climate science panel has found "no errors that would undermine the main conclusions" on probable impacts of climate change.

However, it says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) should be more transparent in its workings.
Tipping Points Are Natural; Environmentalists Exploit Them
In reality rapid and significant change is the norm. Even a cursory study of climate illustrates this idea. For example, just 20,000 years ago extensive ice sheets covered large parts of the world. One equal in area to the current Antarctic ice sheet covered over half of North America. Almost all the ice melted in approximately 5000 years. As the ice melted sea level rose 150 m in approximately 8000 years.
Severe Solar Climate Change Event Predicted for mid July
Weather expert, Piers Corbyn, claims his latest bold prediction will further expose myth of man-made climate change:climate is driven by the Sun instead.

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