Friday, August 06, 2010

Access : The climate change game : Nature Geoscience
Accusations by sceptics have steered climate researchers into an unproductive battle. They should now rise above the debate and help develop models of the coupled climate–socioeconomic system to advise policymakers.
Could be Coldest August Day on Record | NBC San Diego
July proved to be nearly the coldest on record in nearly a hundred years. Now, 6 days into August, our unseasonably cool weather continues, and today we have a chance of seeing the coolest August day since record keeping began in 1875.
Minority voters think greener, statewide poll shows | SF Public Press
“Ethnic Californians are ahead of the mainstream in their concerns about global warming and the environment,” said Sandy Close, executive director of New America Media, an organization that aggregates the ethnic press and co-presented the survey.
Clock’s ticking: Carbon emissions must peak by 2015 | Carbon
A new carbon cycle model developed by researchers in Europe indicates that global carbon emissions must start dropping by no later than 2015 to prevent the planet from tipping into dangerous climate instability.
“It will take centuries for the global climate system to stabilise,” says Erich Roeckner, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute.

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