Thursday, August 26, 2010

Climate aid reaches $30 bln goal, but is it new? | Reuters
(Reuters) - Aid promises from rich nations to help poor countries slow global warming are reaching the $30 billion goal agreed in Copenhagen but analysts say much of that is old funding dressed up as new pledges.
The cash was meant as a "fast start" for action to slow floods, droughts, heat waves and rising seas.
US Ex-Im Bank Approves Funding For Massive Coal-Fired Plant in India
After bowing to political pressure to reverse its rejection of a huge coal-fired power project in India, the United States Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) voted on Wednesday to provide a "final commitment" and send the project to Congress for final review.
The New York Times and Lies about 'Acid Rain' by William L. Anderson
In his excellent essay, "America’s Ruling Class," Angelo M. Codevilla writes regarding the modern "Progressives" and science that "identity always trumps" the truth. Indeed, in the case of acid rain, Codevilla’s assessment is on the mark. Americans were bullied by political elites and their amen media and academic corners into having new restrictions placed on their lives in order to deal with a non-existent threat. And it will happen again and again and again. But it will happen.
Video: Putin Asks Each Scientist Point Blank: Is Climate Change Caused By Man? Answer: We Don’t Know!

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