Friday, August 27, 2010

Cold snap kills hundreds of people, thousands of cattle, and millions of fish in South America; CO2 blamed

Cold empties Bolivian rivers of fish : Nature News
Antarctic cold snap kills millions of aquatic animals in the Amazon.
...during the Southern Hemisphere's recent winter, unusually low temperatures in part of the country's tropical region hit freshwater species hard, killing an estimated 6 million fish and thousands of alligators, turtles and river dolphins.

Scientists who have visited the affected rivers say the event is the biggest ecological disaster Bolivia has known, and, as an example of a sudden climatic change wreaking havoc on wildlife, it is unprecedented in recorded history.
With such extreme climatic events potentially becoming more common due to climate change, scientists are hurrying to coordinate research into the impact, and how quickly the ecosystem is likely to recover.
The prolonged cold snap has also been linked to the deaths of at least 550 penguins along the coasts of Brazil and thousands of cattle in Paraguay and Brazil, as well as hundreds of people in the region.


Anonymous said...

This cold snap is NOT climate change. It is weather. The fires in Russia and flooding in Pakistan, also weather.

The jet stream became convoluted and cold air masses blocked it into place for about three months. Around the globe there are alternating hot and cold events. This kind of jet stream blocking this effective last occurred in 1968 during the last cool down from the 1938 warm peak.

By the way, blocking such as this appears to be most common during cold periods (of climate cycles) when cold air is more available and abundant. It is certainly NOT an effect from global warming. We have not been warming since 1995 and we have been cooling actively since 2006.

Warming does NOT cause larger weather swings; that idea is a false story put out by the warmists who are prone to claim that global warming can cause anything and everything.

Anonymous said...

Given that this appears to be a "La Nina" year in the Southern Oscillation mechanism, the Humboldt Current is pushing a lot of cold water northwards from the southern tip of Chile, and a cold Pacific Ocean pulls heat from the countries of South America in the regions just south of the Equator.

Therefore these folks suffer an unseasonable cold snap. It's happened before, and it'll happen again. Mean atmospheric CO2 concentrations (which are supposed by idiots and thieves to be capable of forcing temperatures upwards by dint of "greenhouse gas" warming) have less than nothing to do with it.

This is meteorology and oceanography, by the way. Not the wholly bogus mock-science of "climatology."