Friday, August 06, 2010

Debunking the Blacklist Paper, Part 2: The results were rigged
RomanM: I don’t think that this paper is particularly important nor the ‘findings” inconvenient, but I do find them troublesome from the viewpoint of ethics and professionality. It is in the same category as “scientific” studies done in the 20th century purporting to show that particular racial and ethnic groups were somehow inferior or second class. The paper should not have been published because it reflects badly on the climate science community as a whole – I would be ashamed to be a member of a group that countenanced this sort of thing .
Granholm: Limbaugh’s attacks on American-made electric vehicles are ‘un-American’ « Climate Progress
[Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D-MI), on video] It’s just un-American. I can’t believe that somebody would say this about this American product. He hasn’t even driven it. He hasn’t sat in it. You know, why wouldn’t you be supportive of American manufacturers building American vehicles with American workers, who now have jobs as a result of this. Why wouldn’t you be supportive of that? [For starters, how about if the cars suck, they cost too much, they won't prevent bad weather, they'll run mostly on fossil fuel and electricity generated from fossil fuel, and billions in public dollars shouldn't be blown on them?] It is mind-blowing to me. And of course, the public is getting paid back. You know, GM has paid back the loan — the bottom line is, is this is a “good” news story, and somebody who would twist it to be something negative obviously has another agenda. Which we all know he does.
New Ways to Scrub Out the Carbon - Green Blog -
Three technologies lead the pack for capturing the carbon dioxide in coal while also harnessing the energy. On Thursday, the Energy Department endorsed the “oxyburn” strategy, which involves filtering the nitrogen out of air and burning coal in pure oxygen, with a resulting flue gas that is almost pure carbon dioxide; it will attempt that in Illinois.
Obama Choppers Six Miles For Economy Comments - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
President Obama Friday flew Marine One from the White House less than six miles to Northwest D.C.

He choppered to Gelberg Signs, the Washington, D.C.-based company where he'll deliver remarks on the economy and July employment numbers. According to Google maps, the drive would have taken about 20 minutes from the White House.

By CBS News' Mark Knoller's count, this is the president's 300th flight on Marine One.

As to why the president choppered to a company in D.C., spokesman Bill Burton said, "Probably because it's an easier than a motorcade through the city in the middle of the day."

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