Friday, August 20, 2010

Good news for Al Gore?: Movie "The Switch" evidently features a six-year-old who still believes in the global warming hoax

Movie Review - 'The Switch' - Jennifer Aniston Stars in Tale of Fatherhood Mix-Up -
The one break from formula is Sebastian’s character. A thoroughly likable, stubbornly opinionated child who cares about global warming and animal welfare, he is the rare male movie moppet who isn’t a sports or a video-game nut.
Review: The Switch Better Than Most Bad Jennifer Aniston Movies - E! Online
At age 6, Sebastian (cutie Thomas Robinson) engages in long, fatalistic monologues that are bound to get the child actor critical acclaim. His delivery is quite good—certainly more nuanced than Aniston's, whose mannered style is often endearing, if not trapped in the 1990s sitcom style that made her famous.

The problem with Sebastian's character isn't the actor; it's the script. Even in the realm of film comedy, no 6-year-old talks like this, and his dreary observations packed with three-syllable words grow old quickly. It's from the cheap, Family Guy school of comedy; fans of Stewie will love Sebastian.

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