Sunday, August 01, 2010

Less than three years ago: Remember Al Gore's global warming hoax glory days?

Dec '07: Al Gore lays blame for Bali stalemate on U.S. | Reuters
And in low tones he added: "My own country the United States is principally responsible for obstructing progress in Bali," spurring rapturous applause and cheers.
Rajendra Pachauri, who collected the Nobel Prize on behalf of a U.N. panel of climate scientists that shared the award with Gore, vaulted onto the podium to shake Gore's hand.
Gore stole the show in Bali after two days of lengthy ministerial speeches which had waxed on familiar themes about the urgency of action to slow global warming and the need for cooperation.
"There's no precedent in history, culture for the radically new relationship between humanity and the planet," he said, citing new evidence this week that the North Pole may be ice-free in summer as soon as 2012.

Gore counted one year and 40 days to the day the United States would have a new president to succeed George W. Bush. He predicted that a successor who would do more to act on global warming seriously.

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