Sunday, August 01, 2010

The Reference Frame: Guardian: Devil is driving climate deniers
The deniers are wrong because 2,000 mostly drunk people around Moscow drowned in the rivers and lakes and because it was a warm weather in Moscow. Why were they drunk? Because you're deniers, dear TRF readers!
Fortunately, a vast majority of the readers don't buy these articles and would-be arguments anymore: check the discussion in the Guardian. The AGW movement is returning to the status it deserves - and it surely deserves to be on par with the fringe nationalist or Marxist groups.
Has the IPCC got it wrong over aerosols? | Laboratory News
Aerosols help cool the atmosphere by encouraging cloud droplets to form icy particles which reflect sunlight, but new research suggests they could also have the opposite effect and warm the atmosphere too.
[Scotland: How many of these people can be convinced to eat bugs in an attempt to make it colder outside?]
Last winter’s cold weather prompted 13 million households to cut down on heating to save cash, affecting their health and quality of life, according to research by

Robinson says: “Let us be clear this is not about people becoming more energy efficient – this is about people going cold. Some 69% of people cut down or rationed their energy during the freezing winter last year, and this was all due to the high cost of their bills.”

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