Monday, August 30, 2010

The Reference Frame: IAC verdict on IPCC: today
Key fresh links (explanation below)
Blame Lies With Sun, Not Global Warming | Opinion | The Moscow Times
But what of the longer term? Floods, droughts and other weather disasters have plagued mankind for all of history. But deaths from such natural disasters have fallen by more than 90 percent in the past 100 years despite dramatic population growth. Why? Because higher wealth and better technology enable people better to cope. This is a silver lining to this summer’s natural disasters.
The Doom of Global Warming | STATESMAN SENTINEL
Here in America, most viewers became convinced that we are doomed unless we immediately and radically change our ways. These fans were unaware that the science back then was far from settled. The movie portrayed global warming as an established scientific fact, while true science was beginning to prove otherwise.

Perhaps that motivated John Coleman, the founder of the Weather Channel, to declare that global warming was the greatest scam in history. This was two years before the Climategate scandal arose last November. And Climategate has only confirmed the worst fears of the skeptics. It seems every month there’s another revelation of climate fraud at another prestigious institution.

As of today, the undisputed facts have been established. The monopoly on climate science has been cracked open and exposed as a hoax. But the press has muted the facts, and the propaganda continues to churn.

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