Monday, August 23, 2010

Severe Ocean Storms: The Science of Nature's Power
BARBARA KLEIN: Some scientists believe climate change affects major storms. Some say the warming of Earth’s atmosphere is already making the storms worse. Other scientists have published studies that disagree.

Earlier this year, a special World Meteorological Organization committee reported on severe storms. The committee’s work appeared in the journal “Nature Geoscience.” Ten scientists took part. The experts represented both sides of the debate about global warming. They reached no clear answer about whether global warming had already intensified storms. Still, the committee made some predictions.

BOB DOUGHTY: They said global warming might cause more powerful ocean storms in the future. They said the overall strength of storms measured by wind speed might increase two to eleven percent by the year twenty-one hundred. And there might be an increase in the number of the most severe storms. But there might be fewer weak and moderate storms.
Back-to-Cool: Shopping with Climate Change [Hoax] in Mind
For the Back-2-Cool Campaign, Climate Counts is taking a look at back-to-school ads from the apparel, electronics, food products, and Internet/software industries to keep consumers informed about the actions of the companies behind the ads.

Join the Back-2-Cool Campaign and become a climate-conscious consumer. Learn what companies are doing — or not doing — about climate change.
Cameron’s ‘High Noon’ Canceled At 11th Hour | RedState
Judging by the series of events, it’s hard not to conclude that, ultimately, Cameron was simply afraid of exposing himself as yet another ill-informed demagogue. He was afraid of facing Ann McElhinney. Is afraid.

Propagandists don’t like to deal with bare facts. Facts are hard. It’s much easier to deal in unveiled symbolism and elementary metaphor than with a real live expert sitting across a table citing statistics. Just shouting “the science is settled” may get applause at the Oscars, but it won’t get you very far in an academic debate. The science is not settled. It is unsettled. Hence, you see, the debate!
[See the photo here] James Cameron's House (Bing Maps) - Virtual Globetrotting

GOPer Ron Johnson: Greenland Used To Be Green (Not Exactly) | TPMDC
Bottom line: Greenland was always covered in ice throughout recorded history, though it is possible that throughout the centuries there may have been some variation in just how glacial or green it's been.

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