Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Telegraph article strongly suggests that floods in Pakistan are punishment for the CO2 sins of Topeka residents

Pakistan floods: Climate change experts say global warming could be the cause - Telegraph
The world weather crisis that is causing floods in Pakistan, wildfires in Russia and landslides in China is evidence that global warming predictions are correct, according to climate change experts.
Experts from the United Nations (UN) and universities around the world said the recent “extreme weather events” prove global warming is already happening.

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele, vice-president of the body set up by the UN to monitor global warming, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said the ‘dramatic’ weather patterns are consistent with changes in the climate caused by mankind.

“These are events which reproduce and intensify in a climate disturbed by greenhouse gas pollution," he said.

"Extreme events are one of the ways in which climatic changes become dramatically visible."

The UN has rated the floods in Pakistan as the greatest humanitarian crisis in recent history, with 13.8 million people affected and 1,600 dead.
Dr Peter Stott, head of climate monitoring and attribution at the Met Office, said it was impossible to attribute any one of these particular weather events to global warming alone.

But he said there is “clear evidence” of an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events because of climate change.

"The odds of such extreme events are rapidly shortening and could become considered the norm by the middle of this century," he warned.

Dr Stott also said global warming is likely to be make extreme events worse.
Professor Andrew Watson, a climatologist at the University of East Anglia, which was at the centre of last year's 'climategate' scandal, said the extreme events are "fairly consistent with the IPCC reports and what 99 per cent of the scientists believe to be happening".

"I'm quite sure that the increased frequency of these kind of summers over the last few decades is linked to climate change," he said.

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