Monday, August 09, 2010

UN chief says Cancun climate meet may not get deal | Energy & Oil | Reuters
"We need to be practical and realistic," Ban told a questioner at a monthly news conference at U.N. headquarters on Monday. "It may be the case that we may not be able to have that comprehensive binding agreement in Cancun."
[We're from the UN, and we're here to help]
"We need to promote low carbon growth and strengthen our resilience to the impacts of climate change," the UN secretary general said.
Pajamas Media » The GM Volt: Fascism Strikes the Auto Industry
Corporatism produces one of the worst cars ever built, and citizens pay for it with their taxes and their liberty.
Blue Whales Amass Off an Orange Coast - Orange County News - Navel Gazing
Thank our unseasonably cold weather: chilly water favorable to the shrimp-like krill that the whales consume have drawn the behemoths south from their usual hangout off Monterey.
The assassination of King Coal « Don Surber
But why is coal evil?

No one gives a straight answer.

Is it the surface mining of hills — “mountaintop” removal — that makes it evil?

Biden said in that clip that coal causes global warming and that’s his reason — but then he goes on to say that coal burned in China is going into your lungs.

They give every reason, but no reason because what they are trying to do is stop America’s supply of cheap electricity.

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