Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Woolly mammoth killed off by climate change - Telegraph
Climate change rather than the hunting skills of early man killed off the last of the woolly mammoths, according to a new study.

By Louise Gray, Environment Correspondent

Previously it was thought that mankind or even a giant comet impact killed off the ice age beasts around 20,000 years ago.

But the most comprehensive study to date found that it was the spread of forests as the climate warmed after the last ice age, forcing woolly mammoths from their grassland habitat.

The University of Durham study warned that modern species could experience a similar fate if global warming is allowed to continue.
This article was up briefly today, but it's not available right now. I wonder why?


Pops said...

I don't know about Woolly Mammoths, but I do know a woolly-headed bit of clap-trap when I read it. The team is really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel now.

Anonymous said...

Another great article from Louise Gray - queen of parroting press releases from green self-interest groups. Miss ctrl+C ctrl+V.

cbullitt said...

Why? I'll Tell you why, Tom... Because they forgot that Mammoth Farts CAUSED Global Warming.


Anonymous said...

It's moved. Here now

Chris said...

The BBC has the story but doesn't go all doom and gloom over it. Just reports the study. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11000635

papertiger said...

Big hairy elephants, is there anything they can't do?

Say, since they could control the weather and all, why do you suppose the Mammoth evolved into the bald version we have today?

Anonymous said...

Aha - the link above refers to a 2009 press-release by the London Natural History Museum. The new Durham University press-release contains much the same speculative nonsense as the earlier press release. Maybe that's why Louise Gray deleted it. Could be she was stung by earlier criticism when she was caught parroting the exact same annual scare-mongering press releases here:

Ha ha

Anonymous said...

No, clearly she wasn't stung by the criticism.

Spot the difference:



Same title, same picture, same nonsense, ctrl+C, Ctrl+V