Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Albedo Feedback In The Arctic? | Real Science
Ice cover is near its minimum in The Arctic. The Sun is also setting in the Arctic.

Put those two pieces of information together, and it becomes clear that the September minimum has very little effect on the Earth’s shortwave radiation budget.

On the other hand, areas of open water allow longwave radiation to escape.

Put those two pieces of information together, and it is not at all clear whether late summer Arctic ice loss is a negative or positive climate feedback.
You Could Not Make It Up: THE OZONE LAYER IS SAFE by Mark Reynolds and Sara Dixon | Climate Realists
It's not often that I see a headline story and put in a comment, but this one is a case of Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. The UN are congratulating the human race for saving the world from an expanding ozone layer made from "Man Made" pollution. They (the UN) do not mention any solar influence in this statement, as that would not fit in with the "Man Made" theory. The fact is during the past few years our Sun has had a dramatic transformation, in that, there has been a virtual halt to the Sun's higher then average sunspot activity that we have seen in recent years. This spurious analysis of the ozone layer by the UN makes on interesting conclusion, a reduction of "Man Made" pollution reduces the output of the Sun. The conclusion from yours truly says a reduction of the output of the Sun results in a smaller ozone area, but who wants to know that! I'm sure WUWT will have something to say on this, hopefully the same and more.
Ice Forming Rapidly In The Arctic | Real Science
Temperatures are getting cold

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