Tuesday, September 28, 2010

British Embassy in Tokyo [considering renouncing the internal combustion engine?]
The Transport Team established a ‘No Car Week’, calling for staff to leave their private cars at home and commute by public transport or bicycle. For embassy guests arriving by car, a waiting room for drivers was set up to reduce ‘idling’. Having seen the impact of these initiatives, the Transport Team is looking at the possibility of making them permanent.
Is Windpower the Ethanol of Electricity? (Part I: Economics) — MasterResource
Repeating past mistakes is an unfortunate but common part of federal policy, and perhaps no more so than with energy. Indeed, much of the Obama administration’s “clean energy economy” and “energy independence” agenda is a virtual repeat of the follies from the 1970s – failed attempts by Washington to pick winners and losers amongst alternative energy sources and energy-using technologies, as well as taxes and regulations that exacerbated the very concerns they were supposed to address.
EPA Calls And Raises US Warming | Real Science
The EPA map is out of line with actual measured temperature data.

As we have been seeing, the entire US warming story rides on the temperature adjustments made by a handful of people at the Carbon Dioxide Information And Analysis Center.
American Thinker: Energy Independence: Are You Serious?
ours is the only nation in the world that is attempting to sabotage its own oil and gas industry.
Los Angeles laughs at recent “invisible summer” AP article | Watts Up With That?
Comment ideas: how can these extreme temperatures be related to global warming / climate change and “consistent” with what climate models “have shown/predicted” would happen? Please forget everything about the article 5-days ago and focus on today’s record heat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"..Having seen the impact of these initiatives.."

What exactly was the imact?