Monday, September 13, 2010

Do Oprah and Travolta still believe in the global warming hoax?

Oprah Taking Audience Down Under, with Travolta at Controls | NBC Chicago
Oprah Winfrey kicked off her farewell Season in true Oprah fashion by surprising her audience with a big gift: She will be taking all 300 audience members on a trip down under to Australia.

"We'!!!!" Oprah announced to a shrieking crowd as confetti fell and her set was transformed into a mini airport, complete with a plane and worker with glow sticks to guide it on to the set.
Her most memorable giveaway was the kickoff for her 19th season, where each member of the audience received a [fossil-fueled] car.
Flashback: "Living with less" the Oprah Winfrey way
Al Gore was Oprah's guest this week, and she sweetly referred to him as our "Noah" of global warming.
Check out Oprah's house:

Flashback: With five private jets, Travolta still lectures on global warming | Showbiz
Travolta, a Scientologist, claimed the solution to global warming could be found in outer space and blamed his hefty flying mileage on the nature of the movie business.

But his appointment as a "serving ambassador" for the Australian airline Qantas doesn't seem to have much to do with the movies. Nor does a recent, two-month round-the-world flying trip.

"It [global warming] is a very valid issue," Travolta declared. "I'm wondering if we need to think about other planets and dome cities.

"Everyone can do their bit..."
Travolta's house:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Classic post Tom. Love it