Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ed Markey claim: "Competition will ultimately make solar energy competitive with grid electricity in this decade"

E2 Morning Roundup: Murkowski expected lose top energy panel slot
Bingaman is also continuing his years-long resistance to opening up the standard to non-renewable forms of energy. While some Republicans want more energy sources toward the mandate -- including all nuclear energy production -- Bingaman said this would complicate and water down the plan.
[Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.)] “At the end of the day, competition is good. Competition is one of the chief reasons that the price of a solar model has fallen by half in the last two years. Competition will ultimately make solar energy competitive with grid electricity in this decade. But this competition must be fair. It must allow American workers to play on the field.”


Anonymous said...

Government "planning" certain technologies to become competitive by a certain date, government projecting what competition would occur and what innovations will be made, all the while controlling, managing, taxing certain players, subsidizing other players....

this is the free market system, right? Markey will unleash the power of the free market! This is going to be great! Our forefathers would be proud.

ktwop said...

But only when the sun is shining.
Oh and when there are no clouds.